<2500 Creator Passes>

Bring your
ideas to life

Explore NFT-based digital passes.
Empower your business with web3's growth potential

Coming mint Creator Pass

Be one of 10,000 people to get access to the collector side of web3's most popular access list platform. See below for holder benefits, and, mint schedule.


Use Cases

  • events

    Design NFT tickets for events. Easily distribute and verify them using our application's QR-code scanning feature.

  • content access
    Content Access

    Unlock exclusive content for your community with our groundbreaking NFT passes.

  • member cards
    Membership Cards

    Elevate access to co-working spaces, barbershops, sport clubs, and more with our innovative virtual passes.

  • loyalty

    Develop exceptional incentives for your customers, including discount coupons, perks, bonuses, and other benefits.


The Power of
Creator Pass

Pass Design

Access to Dashboard to customize passes with various options and deploy your project to the blockchain.

Verifying Tools

Verify customer NFT passes using our tools, including Check-In application, Bots, and API.

Wide Distribution

Elevate the minting experience for customers with our tools such as Mint Widget, Mint Page and other features.


Extend the functionality of your passes by integrating with apps from Getpass Apps.

Support & Benefits

Receive top-tier support for all inquiries. Join the community of creators to participatе in various giveaways and get new benefits in the future.

Secure Earnings

Unlock a decentralized way to manage finances. Your project's smart contract is solely yours, and you can interact with it independently, free from reliance on our server.



June 2023
Launch on testnets
July 2023
First pool of creators
250 free Creator Passes for early access
September 2023
Public launch on Ethereum and Polygon networks
Coming soon
Tokenomics of Getpass

Got Questions?

What is Creator Pass?

Creator Pass lets you publish your project to the main network. Unlock a range of premium features that empower you to:

  • Create projects and customize passes.
  • Deploy smart contracts of your project or integrate it with existing collections.
  • Distribute passes using tools such as Mint Page, Widget, and more.
  • Simplify pass management, verification, and distribution with the convenient Getpass Extensions.

With Creator Pass, you have the power to bring your vision to life and harness the full potential of our platform. Join now and elevate your project to new heights.

How much does it cost to get started?

Currently you can get exclusive early access for free. To join the allowlist please request access by filling out the form below.

What payment options are available for customers to purchase the NFT pass?

With each project, you can select the preferred base payment currency, whether it be ETH or USDT.

Clients using the payment widget on your official website can mint or claim a pass using the project's base currency.
In the event of insufficient funds, they have the option to conveniently purchase with a bank card.

Also, clients can apply coupons issued by you or your project partners to get special discounts.

How passes can be stored after purchase?

A purchased pass is an NFT that is securely stored on the blockchain and linked to the owner's address.

To further verification of the pass, the client creates a signature and gets a unique QR code.

Then you have the option to add your pass to the Apple Wallet, Google Wallet, or choose to retain it as an electronic pass.

How are passes verified?

As a Creator you will have access to diverse pass verification methods.

For instance, in the case of an ofline event project, verification can be effortlessly completed by scanning the pass's QR code.

Each verification process is securely authenticated through the project's smart contract.

Bring your
ideas to life

Discover events using modern web3 technologies. We are taking a new step in the development of the events market.
© 2023. Getpass Labs, Inc.